Initiative Tracker

Like many projects, this one had exceedingly short timetable, six weeks with 3 days for design. The Commissioner and Chief of Staff wanted a web application for tracking Social Security Administration (SSA) Initiatives at a very high level. This helped to ensure when Deputy Commissioners (DC) provided status updates everyone was utilizing the same format in order to give consistent presentations.

Given just a few days to design the layout and function, another designer and I each produced separate layouts to present to the Chief of Staff. After conducting stakeholder interviews, I researched design best practices and leveraged design patterns that aligned with the user needs. Everything was simple, intuitive, and streamlined. My design was selected by the Chief of Staff in short order. After the design selection was made, the rest of the meeting was spent talking about user flows and use cases. The Chief of Staff stated the design was exactly what he had in mind. It was a very successful meeting and all the product owners were very pleased.

  • Role: Design
  • Client: Social Security Administration
  • Agency: Yorktel
  • Year: 2013

concept main screen
Concept Main Screen
concept main expanded screen
Concept Main Expanded Screen
concept individual initiative screen
Concept Individual Initiative Screen
concept edit initiative screen
Concept Edit Initiative Screen
production main screen
Production Main Screen
production main expanded screen
Production Main Expanded Screen
production initiative screen
Production Individual Initiative Screen
production edit initiative screen
Production Edit Initiative Screen